Cleveland students receive stark reminder of car accident dangers

On Behalf of | May 22, 2014 | Car Accidents |

According to a recent study, texting and driving kills thousands of teenagers each year, making it the leading cause of death among teenagers. Drinking and driving deaths follow close behind taking more than 2,500 teenage lives each year.

It is an undeniably a serious problem that cannot be ignored. One of the best ways to combat this destructive behavior in teens is through education. One Cleveland area high school took a unique approach to such education recently, hoping to prevent texting and driving as well as drunk driving car accidents during the school’s prom weekend.

Students thought it was a normal day before prom, but then the morning announcements reported the deaths of two students and asked for a moment of silence in their memory. As the school day progressed, the students learned that their classmates had not actually been killed, but that the school had taken a “scared straight” approach to make an impression on the students.

Throughout the school day students who were in on the exercise walked the halls dressed all in black acting as deceased teens involved in car accidents caused by impaired drivers. Their faces were painted to show injuries; they carried roses, and did not speak.

While some students were deeply affected by the exercise, it apparently had the desired effect on some as well, which was to make them aware of the dangers of distracting driving, whether due to texting or alcohol.

Despite precautions such as this, some people still drive while impaired or distracted, causing injuries and suffering to those affected by their actions. Victims and their families involved in car accidents may want to speak to an attorney to better understand their rights.  

Source: ABC5, “Shocking wakeup call about drinking/ texting and driving,” Debora Lee, May 15, 2014

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