The future of autonomous vehicles

On Behalf of | Aug 23, 2017 | Car Accidents |

Some people in Ohio may have heard that autonomous vehicles will soon be populating the roadways in great numbers. One of the biggest attractions of self-driving cars is that they have the potential to be safer than human-operated vehicles. Nearly 100 people die each day on U.S. roads, and in 94 percent of those cases, human error is to blame. Industry leaders have made bold predictions about the future of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and invested a significant amount of money in their development. However, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed before AVs become commonplace.

Among the primary roadblocks are legal and ethical issues. One scenario that must be considered is what a self-driving car will do if it has a choice between harming its occupants, harming bystanders or harming people in another vehicle. Furthermore, mapping and data analytics must be completed before the cars can work. There is also some resistance to adopting self-driving vehicles. A number of truck drivers are against them, and drivers who value their independence may dislike them as well. Cost may also be an issue.

While it is likely that autonomous cars will eventually replace cars driven by people, the adoption of these vehicles is likely to be slower than early optimistic predictions. One report says that AVs may claim 15 percent of the market by 2030.

Until more of these vehicles are on the roads and more safety technology related to autonomous vehicles becomes standard equipment, human error will continue to lead to motor vehicle accidents. If someone is injured in such an accident, the insurance company of the at-fault driver is supposed to pay the victim’s medical expenses and other costs. If the compensation offered is not enough to cover expenses, the injured person may want to consult an attorney.

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